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THREAD: judgement hour

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- 今天,两位受人尊敬的英国高等法院法官将决定维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇的命运。判决将于格林威治标准时间上午 10:30(东部时间上午 6:30)作出,将决定阿桑奇是否可以对引渡到美国提出异议

52 岁的阿桑奇因十多年前泄露机密军事文件而在美国面临间谍指控。尽管如此,他尚未因逃离该国而在美国法庭接受审判。





- 杰弗里斯最近赞扬了拜登总统的领导能力,强调他为维护美国和以色列之间的特殊纽带所做的努力。 他还强调了拜登在面对俄罗斯侵略时对乌克兰的承诺,以及向加沙巴勒斯坦人提供人道主义援助。

杰弗里斯表示,众议院和参议院已准备好在拜登的指导下开展工作。 然而,他痛斥极端共和党人据称试图在以色列冲突期间向以色列提供援助。 杰弗里斯称此举“不负责任”,指责他们政治孤立。

杰弗里斯以当前危险的全球气候为由,呼吁对拜登总统提出的一揽子计划进行全面审查。 他批评了他所认为的极端共和党人所玩的党派游戏。 杰弗里斯将他们的行为描述为在这个充满挑战的时期“不幸的”。



加州快餐店员工每小时收入 20 美元:胜利还是悲剧?

- California’s recent decision to increase the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour, starting next year, has sparked debate. The state’s Democratic leaders have endorsed this law, recognizing that these workers often serve as the main breadwinners in low-income households. From April 1 onwards, these employees will enjoy the highest base salary in their industry.

Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom signed this law at a Los Angeles event filled with jubilant workers and labor leaders. He dismissed the notion that fast food jobs are merely stepping stones for teenagers entering the workforce as a "romanticized version of a world that doesn’t exist.” He argues that this wage hike will reward their efforts and stabilize an uncertain industry.

This legislation mirrors the growing influence of labor unions in California. These unions have been rallying fast food workers to demand better wages and improved working conditions. In exchange for increased pay, unions are dropping attempts to hold fast food corporations liable for franchise operators' misconducts. The industry has also agreed not to push a worker wages-related referendum onto the 2024 ballot.

Service Employees International Union International President Mary Kay Henry stated that this law is a decade-long effort involving 450 strikes statewide over two years. However, critics question whether such significant wage hikes could potentially hurt small businesses and result in